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All Scripture | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | scripture, gospel, 2 Timothy 3, Paul, Old Testament, New Testament, writings, history, instruction, wisdom, psalms, prophecy, inspired, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, doctrine, reproof, correction |
The Power of the Word | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | power, word, God, scriptures, Bible, inspired, inspiration, 2 Timothy 3, Hebrews 4, light, understanding, faith, quickens, alive, draws, save, salvation, convert, conversion, new birth, baptism, comfort |
Why I Believe the Bible | Harvester Article | Kent Dickinson | why, believe, Bible, 2 Timothy 3, philosophy, men, man, inspired, Jews, Moses, John, harmony, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, contradictions, believer, theme, Christ, prophecy, prophetic, zeal, Laodicea, study |