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Title Type Author Tags
The Christian's Relationship to Secular PowersArticleHarry CobbRomans, secular powers, authority, government
The Work of an EvangelistArticleBill Yarbroughevangelism, evangelists, ministers, support, work, women
Revelation Commentary 2023BookTony WhiddonRevelation, commentary, prophecy, history, future, past
What About TomorrowOutlineJoe Hillbrevity of life, judgment day, tomorrow
Love Is the KeyOutlineJoe Hilllove, John 14, 2 John 6, commandments, service, truth, patience, unity, home, crown of life
New Year - Better FocusOutlineMark Carpentergoals, time management, money, attitude, church service, Bible study, prayer, evangelizing
Master-Servant RelationshipOutlineMark Carpentermaster, servant, obedience, reward, punishment
Give Attendance to Reading, Exhortation, DoctrineOutlineMark Carpenter1 Timothy 4, reading, exhortation, doctrine, Bible study, God's word, encouragement, support, doctrine, women, teaching, preaching
Spiritual Growth - A ChoiceOutlineMark Carpenterattitude, spies of Israel, walls of Jerusalem, hard times, Barnabas, encouragement, spiritual growth
Spiritual Growth - Positive AttitudeOutlineMark Carpenterattitude, examples, spies of Israel, walls of Jerusalem, hard times, Barnabas, encouragement, positivity, negativity, spiritual growth
Saving Our MPLOOutlineBill Prince, Jr.loved ones, word, commitment
Prepared to Die?Harvester ArticleRay McManusdeath, die, prepare, Hezekiah, Isaiah, 2 Kings 20, judgment, preparation, heaven, hell
How to Encourage ChristiansHarvester ArticleDonald ThompsonPaul, encouragement, new converts, exhorting, youth
By What Authority?Harvester ArticleTim Eldridgeauthority, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, scriptures, baptism, church, testament, covenant, Philip, Ethiopian Eunuch, Gospel, Great Commission
Apologia: Is it scriptural for a woman to lead prayer in a private setting?Harvester ArticleHarry Cobbprayer, women, scriptural, private
Apologia: Should Christians fast?Harvester ArticleTim Eldridgefasting, Old Testament examples, Israel, David, Ahab, elders, marriage, Ezra, Nineveh, pride, humility
The GospelHarvester ArticleRestoration movement, Alexander Campbell, history, gospel, Bible, Saul, Paul, unity
Apologia: What is "faith" and how important is it?Harvester ArticleTim Eldridgefaith, Hebrews 11, James 2, hope, creation, commandment, works, graces, agape
Apologia: Why do we sing in our church assemblies?Harvester ArticleEd AndersonColossians 3, Ephesians 5, singing, church, assembly, encouragement, worship
Subject to the GovernmentHarvester ArticleEd AndersonRomans 13, Kingdom of God, kingdom, government, rulers, laws, law, ordinances, obey, obedience
By What Authority?Harvester ArticleTim Eldridgeauthority, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, scriptures, baptism, church, testament, covenant, Philip, Ethiopian Eunuch, Gospel, Great Commission
Written for Our LearningHarvester ArticleEd AndersonOld Testament, example, examples, scripture, scriptures, Noah, flood, Lot, Abraham, angels, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, David, Solomon, Elijah, Job, Daniel, Israel, Israelites, learn, learning
DiscouragementHarvester ArticleEd Andersondiscouragement, encouragement, examples, Elijah, Jesus, Hebrews 11, faith, assembly
No Authority Except from GodHarvester ArticleCopiedPsalms 2, Psalm, Romans 13, authority, government, God, king, leader, power
Covetousness and the Last SinHarvester ArticleBill Prince, Jr.covetousness, covet, last, sin, commandments, rich, young, ruler, wealth, money, lack, guilt, lust, Word, Jesus, Exodus 20, Matthew 19, Mark 10, Luke 18
The Acts of Committing SeditionHarvester ArticleA. D. PendergrassActs 24, sedition, government, rebel, rebellion, division
Thoughts on the ResurrectionHarvester ArticleHarry Cobbresurrection, Messiah, prophecy, prophets, Old Testament, Jesus, disciples
Contentment (Reprint)Harvester ArticleTony Whiddoncontentment, happy, happiness, Solomon, money, fame, career, success, David, Paul, God, relationship, Hebrews 13
Growing Your FaithHarvester ArticleEd Andersongrowing, faith, Thessalonica, 2 Thessalonians, creation, belief, study, Bible, word, Hebrews 11, Old Testament, prophesies, prophecies, prophecy, Christians, church
Being an EncouragementHarvester ArticleAndy Danielencouragement, Christian, services, worship, men, preaching, praying, singing, Lord's Supper, members, parable, talents, Matthew 25, ability, abilities, edify, encouraging
Why Doesn't God Speak Directly Now?Harvester ArticleScott CarpenterGod, speak, directly, communicate, communication, rich man, Lazarus, dead, prophets, priests, high priest, Jesus, Christ, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament
Life After DeathHarvester ArticleHarry Cobbrich, Lazarus, parable, Luke 16, life, death, Hebrews 9, judgment, time, earth, hades, hell, paradise, torments, gulf, heavens
Godliness With ContentmentHarvester ArticleEd Andersongodliness, contentment, 1 Timothy 6, piety, God, faith, trust, love, rich, money, possessions, evil, desire
Philippians 4 (Part 2)Harvester ArticleAndy DanielBible, scripture, Philippians 4, thankful, thanksgiving, content, contentment, Christ, strength, communicate, communication, help, gifts, care, glory, receiving, giving
Control (Part II)Harvester ArticleBen McManuscontrol, worry, God, Jesus, today, tomorrow, mistreat, mistreatment, forgiveness, forgive, past, words, actions
What Do You Think of YourselfHarvester ArticleEd Andersonthink, yourself, pride, humility, humble, proud, King Saul, Samuel, Pharisee, Luke 18, Romans 12, Galatians 6, compare, measure, honest, God, opinion, judgement, judgment, judge
Identifying Jesus' CommandmentsHarvester ArticleBill Prince, Jr.identifying, identify, Jesus, commandments, commands, Peter, memorize, memory, 2 Peter 3, situation, facts, universal, simple, scriptures
Pass It OnHarvester ArticleEd AndersonJesus, harvest, gospel, Luke 10, Luke 6, men, pass, message, instruction, teach, family, children, neighbors, training, friends, acquaintances, share, laborers
All ScriptureHarvester ArticleEd Andersonscripture, gospel, 2 Timothy 3, Paul, Old Testament, New Testament, writings, history, instruction, wisdom, psalms, prophecy, inspired, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, doctrine, reproof, correction
SacrificesHarvester ArticleEd Andersonsacrifices, Old Testament, priests, animals, Jesus, Christ, offering, praise, thanks, body, worship, good, God
CommandmentsHarvester ArticleAndy Danielcommandments, ten, Exodus 20, Moses, God, Hebrews, covenant, love, greatest, law, Jesus, Christ
Sin's BattlefieldHarvester ArticleBen McManussin, battlefield, warfare, Christian, Eden, 1 John 2, community, country, morality, morals, values, environment, church
Identifying Jesus' Commandments (On Being Fruitful)Harvester ArticleBill Prince, Jr.Jesus, commandments, fruitful, parable, growing, growth, digging, dunging, vineyard, weeds, sin, lust, covet, obedience, life, death
Getting in TroubleHarvester ArticleAndy Danieltrouble, chasten, Proverbs, Solomon, correction, love, instruction, commandment, Lord, fear
Your AdornmentHarvester ArticleEd Andersonadornment, clothes, clothing, 1 Peter 3, heart, outward, inward, physical
Don't Forget GodHarvester ArticleAndy DanielGod, forget, unthankful, thankful, Deuteronomy 8, ungrateful, talent, remember, prayer, blessings, day, daily, Daniel, commandments, David
EnduranceHarvester ArticleEd Andersonendurance, parable, seed, Luke 8, ground, rock, commitment, temptation, trials, promises, faith, patience, diligence, Job
Low ExpectationsHarvester ArticleBen McManuslow, expectations, environment, minimum, routine, habit, pattern, standard, Christians, high, one another, congregations, Deuteronomy 4, Moses, Paul, God, Pharisees, Jesus, Joshua
The Virtuous WomanScripturesscriptures, virutuous, woman, women, Proverbs 31
ContentmentHarvester ArticleRicky Murphycontentment, Philippians 4, satisfied, satisfaction, Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Paul, content, gain, Jesus, Christ
See Your Brother in NeedHarvester ArticleEd Andersonbrother, need, necessity, charity, give, giving, 1 John 3, love, God, commandment, help, commands, poor, needy, helping
Knowing GodHarvester ArticleEd Andersonknowing, God, knowledge, Lord, Matthew 7, Jesus, relationship, known, sheep, shepherd, commandments, keep, works, love
Parable of the TalentsHarvester ArticleRay McManusparable, talents, money, master, servants, waste, nothing, time, judgment, judgement, end, watching, watch, value
Strife or PeaceHarvester ArticleEd Andersonstrife, peace, works, flesh, problems, church, conflict, fruit, spirit, argue, quarrel, argument, humble, humility, love, fruit, spirit
What Are You Worth?Harvester ArticleBen McManusworth, value, Romans 1, society, freedom, self, belief, God, church, membership, body, physical, spiritual, contentment, modesty
Why I Believe the BibleHarvester ArticleKent Dickinsonwhy, believe, Bible, 2 Timothy 3, philosophy, men, man, inspired, Jews, Moses, John, harmony, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, contradictions, believer, theme, Christ, prophecy, prophetic, zeal, Laodicea, study
Beware of Javelins! (Reprint)Harvester ArticleRay McManusSaul, David, beware, javelins, spear, devil, Satan, foolish questions, questions, excuses, sin, neglect, traditions, philosophy, philosophies, superstitions, man, men, 1 Peter 5
Search the Scriptures: About the LordScripturesabout, Lord, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, mercy, merciful, grace, gracious, longsuffering, goodness, truth, forgiving, forgiveness, just, judgement, judgment, justice, righteousness, righteous, lovingkindness, slow to anger, judge
Missed Opportunities (Part 2)Harvester ArticleBen McManusmissed, missing, opportunities, Samaritan, well, John 4, disciples, Matthew 19, rich young ruler, commandments, observant, observing, observe, observation, prosperity, riches, community