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Tag: God

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Title Type Author Tags
The Rise and Fall of the Satanic Empire: The History of Christian RomeBookTony WhiddonRevelation, Rome, Christian, history, prophecy, Satan, Christ, God
The Waters PrevailedOutlineJoe HillGenesis 7, 2 Peter 3, unbelief, ungodliness, indifference, broadmindedness, vain efforts, procrastination
Holding Fast the Word of LifeOutlineMark CarpenterPhilippians 2, light, God's word, shining, example
Only God's WayOutlineMark Carpenterexamples, Saul, Nadab and Abihu, Uzzah, God's word, disobedient man of God
Give Attendance to Reading, Exhortation, DoctrineOutlineMark Carpenter1 Timothy 4, reading, exhortation, doctrine, Bible study, God's word, encouragement, support, doctrine, women, teaching, preaching
The Holy SpiritOutlineHarry CobbHoly Spirit, Comforter, Jesus, God, measure, Apostles, baptism, gifts, gift, indwelling, assurance, help, intercession, purpose, hope, fruit, temptation, strength, miracles, salvation, Jews, Gentiles, Peter, Cornelius, Acts 2, Acts 10
From the Scriptures: About the Earth Created by GodScripturesEarth, world, creation, created, God, scriptures
Back to CreationHarvester ArticleReprinted from the American Christian ReviewDarwin, evolution, creation, Genesis, God, science
Apologia: Is there unrighteousness with God? (Romans 9:14)Harvester ArticleHarry CobbRomans, Genesis, Abraham, God's promises, Exodus, Pharaoh
Satan Can Go Only So FarHarvester ArticleCopiedJob, Satan, Lord, evil, God, sin, limits, Jesus, Christ
By What Authority?Harvester ArticleTim Eldridgeauthority, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, scriptures, baptism, church, testament, covenant, Philip, Ethiopian Eunuch, Gospel, Great Commission
Apologia: Do prophets still proclaim the divine message of God today?Harvester Articleprophets, scriptural, God's Word, message, prophesying
Biblical IlliteracyHarvester ArticleSteven MooreBible, knowledge, God's Word, individuals, church, community, false prophets, evil
Why Should We Praise God?Harvester ArticleTony Whiddonpraise, God, pride, humility, David, Psalms
Subject to the GovernmentHarvester ArticleEd AndersonRomans 13, Kingdom of God, kingdom, government, rulers, laws, law, ordinances, obey, obedience
God Is AbleHarvester ArticleHarry CobbGod, able, patience, endurance, assurance, faith
Satan Does Not Play Fair!Harvester ArticleMark CarpenterSatan, devil, play, fair, devices, lion, false apostles, truth, lies, liar, Word, Bible, God, evil, armor, Ephesians 2
By What Authority?Harvester ArticleTim Eldridgeauthority, Bible, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, scriptures, baptism, church, testament, covenant, Philip, Ethiopian Eunuch, Gospel, Great Commission
Satan Can Go Only So FarHarvester ArticleCopiedJob, Satan, Lord, evil, God, sin, limits, Jesus, Christ
No Authority Except from GodHarvester ArticleCopiedPsalms 2, Psalm, Romans 13, authority, government, God, king, leader, power
Fruits of the Spirit: FaithHarvester ArticleChad Princefaith, fruit, spirit, Galatians 5, fruits, belief, reliability, character, James, family, relationship, action, God
Temple of GodHarvester ArticleEd Andersontemple, God, body, Holy Spirit, spirit, flesh, gift, indwelling, sexual immorality, words, tongue, evil, defile
God's Purpose for the CongregationHarvester ArticleRay McManusGod, purpose, congregation, church, Mark 12, Matthew 28, love, neighbor, teach, preach, baptize, baptism, believe, edify, edification, gift, talent
The Lord GodHarvester ArticleEd AndersonLord, God, Father, Exodus 34, power, mercy, grace, long-suffering, goodness, truth
From the Scriptures: God's PowerScripturespower, God, Colossians 1, 1 Chronicles 29, Ephesians 1
"Faith Only" Texts in Context - Part 2Harvester ArticleFranklin T. Puckettfaith only, faith alone, John, scripture, texts, salvation, saved, obedience, Jesus, belief, confession, sons of God
Test All ThingsHarvester ArticleEd Andersontest, prove, things, try, 1 Thessalonians 5, standard, Bible, word, God, false prophets, fruit, Gnostics, heresy, doctrine, itching ears, truth
Contentment (Reprint)Harvester ArticleTony Whiddoncontentment, happy, happiness, Solomon, money, fame, career, success, David, Paul, God, relationship, Hebrews 13
Against the CurrentHarvester ArticleTony Whiddoncurrent, salmon, nature, against, instinct, God, creation, law, home
Sin and TemptationHarvester ArticleTim Eldridgesin, temptation, God, salvation, church, grace, love, faith, lust, forgive, forgiveness, prayer
What Is Love?Harvester ArticleEd Andersonlove, 1 Corinthians 13, agape, charity, patience, patient, kind, envy, pride, boasting, humble, humility, behavior, selfish, unselfish, provoke, anger, thoughts, think, evil, motive, iniquity, truth, believe, hope, endure, endurance, fail, survive, permanent, God, bear
Set Your Mind On Things AboveHarvester ArticleEd Andersonmind, things, above, Paul, examine, self-examination, seek, kingdom, earth, God, affection, Colossians 3
Why Doesn't God Speak Directly Now?Harvester ArticleScott CarpenterGod, speak, directly, communicate, communication, rich man, Lazarus, dead, prophets, priests, high priest, Jesus, Christ, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament
The ArtistOtherSam Dickartist, God, worship, poem, poetry, praise, colors
A Strong Position (Part 1)Harvester ArticleBen McManusstrong, position, goal, sin, temptation, weak, failure, success, examples, David, ark, Uzzah, 2 Samuel 6, situation, God, Bathsheba, 2 Samuel 11
A Strong Position (Part 2)Harvester ArticleBen McManusstrong, position, goal, sin, temptation, weak, failure, success, examples, Joseph, Potiphar, Egypt, Genesis 39, God, flee, battle, run
ComfortHarvester ArticleEd AndersonComfort, tribulation, trouble, suffering, persecution, God, Father, 2 Corinthians 1, hurt, repent, mercy, merciful, prodigal son, eternal life, eternal, death, suffer
Godliness With ContentmentHarvester ArticleEd Andersongodliness, contentment, 1 Timothy 6, piety, God, faith, trust, love, rich, money, possessions, evil, desire
O Thou My GodOtherSam DickGod, Lord, worship, poem, poetry, praise
DistractionsHarvester ArticleAndy Danieldistractions, worship, service, technology, idolatry, temptation, focus, concentration, devil, God, world
ExerciseHarvester ArticleEd Andersonexercise, 1 Timothy 4, physical, health, godly, bodily, godliness, strength, weakness, chasten, chastening, tests, strong, spiritual
Notes on Psalm 34Harvester ArticleHarry CobbPsalm 34, Paul, Silas, David, Goliath, Saul, Jonah, Hezekiah, Hagar, thief, angels, Lazarus, God, honor, respect, trust, obey, obedience, assurance
ControlHarvester ArticleBen McManuscontrol, worry, God, Jesus, future, faith, deserve, prayer, Job, Elihu, man
Man of GodHarvester ArticleEd Andersonman, God, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, temple, Lord, spirit, Holy Ghost, Timothy, righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness, gentleness
Control (Part II)Harvester ArticleBen McManuscontrol, worry, God, Jesus, today, tomorrow, mistreat, mistreatment, forgiveness, forgive, past, words, actions
Be HolyHarvester ArticleEd Andersonholy, God, pure, Israel, separate, set apart, church, Christians, believer, 2 Corinthians 6, unequally yoked, world, conduct
Grace, Love, and CommunionHarvester ArticleEd Andersongrace, love, communion, fellowship, epistle, blessing, 2 Corinthians 13, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Paul
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (Part II)Harvester ArticleTim Eldridgeblessed, pure, heart, beatitude, Matthew 5, 2 Peter 1, mind, faith, graces, growth, Christian, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, philadelphia, agape, charity, love
What Do You Think of YourselfHarvester ArticleEd Andersonthink, yourself, pride, humility, humble, proud, King Saul, Samuel, Pharisee, Luke 18, Romans 12, Galatians 6, compare, measure, honest, God, opinion, judgement, judgment, judge
Hard TimesHarvester ArticleAndy Danielhard, times, difficult, easy, life, trials, tribulations, Romans 5, love, God, Christ, Moses, temporary, peace, joy, happiness, future, Christian
There Is A SeasonHarvester ArticleAndy Danielseason, Ecclesiastes 3, balance, God, controls, choices, faith
Fear or FaithHarvester ArticleEd Andersonfear, faith, God, opposites, promises, peace
Walk in the SpiritHarvester ArticleEd Andersonwalk, spirit, holy, physical, spiritual, fleshly, mind, desire, God, love, mercy, humble, humility, worship, fruit, Galatians 5
The FallHarvester ArticleBen McManusfall, Eve, Adam, man, Genesis 3, Satan, serpent, good, evil, purpose, will, God, creation
When Glory Becomes CommonplaceHarvester ArticleHarry Cobbglory, commonplace, God, Exodus, Moses, Nadab and Abihu, Leviticus 10, sanctified, sanctify, glorified, glorify, assembly, Lord's Supper, communion, teaching, prayer, word, forgotten, forget
SaulHarvester ArticleMike DanielSaul, Paul, Apostle, Acts, story, repent, change, God
Be Not DeceivedHarvester ArticleEd Andersondeceived, deceive, actions, thoughts, God, sow, reap, plant, flesh, spirit, sin, errors, Galatians 6
Round Tuits (Part 2)Harvester ArticleBen McManusround, tuit, procrastinating, procrastinate, procrastination, priority, priorities, God, Jesus, first, Proverbs 2, redeem, time, daily
A Time Such As ThisHarvester ArticleBen McManustime, times, Esther 4, pandemic, worhip service, church, God, history, events, Revelation 3, Laodicea, Laodiceans, wealth, Philadelphia
Belly Gods and Towers of BabelHarvester ArticleBen McManusbelly, gods, towers, Babel, collective, individual, worship, God, family, values, Sodom, Gomorrah, flood, Philippians 3, Genesis 11
Peace - What the Church Can Mean to You (Part 1)Harvester ArticleKent Dickinsonpeace, church, God, Christ, Matthew 16, Ephesians 2, body, Spirit
SacrificesHarvester ArticleEd Andersonsacrifices, Old Testament, priests, animals, Jesus, Christ, offering, praise, thanks, body, worship, good, God
Peace - What the Church Can Mean to You (Part 2)Harvester ArticleKent Dickinsonpeace, church, God, Christ, Ephesians 2, cross, salvation, blood, body, house
An Old HopeHarvester ArticleBen McManusold, hope, Romans 8, prayer, answer, yes, no, uncertainty, question, Spirit, adoption, God, Christ, Jesus, simple, complex, faith
CommandmentsHarvester ArticleAndy Danielcommandments, ten, Exodus 20, Moses, God, Hebrews, covenant, love, greatest, law, Jesus, Christ
Sin's Battlefield: Individual MotivationHarvester ArticleBen McManussin, battlefield, warfare, individual, motivation, Christian, Joshua, community, communities, society, void, empty, emptiness, God, Romans 8, values, adoption, grace
Sin's Battlefield: God Our Heavenly FatherHarvester ArticleBen McManussin, battlefield, warfare, Christian, God, Father, heavenly, Ephesians 6, parent, adoption, Romans 8, sin, inheritance
The Other 98 PercentHarvester ArticleAndy Danieltime, God, study, worship, teach, children, Deuteronomy 6, parents, service, child, home, world
Do Not Love the WorldHarvester ArticleEd AndersonPaul, 2 Timothy 4, Demas, love, world, rich, God, enjoy
TomorrowHarvester ArticleAndy Danieltomorrow, worry, planning, future, Jesus, Matthew 6, Philippians 4, care, anxiety, peace, time, God
The Power of the WordHarvester ArticleKent Dickinsonpower, word, God, scriptures, Bible, inspired, inspiration, 2 Timothy 3, Hebrews 4, light, understanding, faith, quickens, alive, draws, save, salvation, convert, conversion, new birth, baptism, comfort
A Lifetime of ConfessionHarvester ArticleBen McManuslifetime, confession, Matthew 10, Jesus, God, Messiah, belief, public, demonstration, faith, verbal, Romans 12, choices
The Spiritual PerspectiveHarvester ArticleEd Andersonspiritual, perspective, Matthew 5, spirit, law, letter, Moses, God, serve, love
Deuteronomy 6:4-9ScripturesShema, Israel, Deuteronomy 6, love, God, Lord
A Convenient SeasonHarvester ArticleAndy Danielconvenient, season, Felix, Acts 24, Paul, time, convenience, tomorrow, treasure, earth, heaven, parable, rich, possessions, God, Word, Jesus,
Yes, And...Harvester ArticleBen McManusprayer, answer, yes, God, Hannah, 1 Samuel 1, Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20, response, Peter, Acts 12, Jesus, Gethsemane, Matthew 26
IntegrityHarvester ArticleAndy Danielintegrity, principles, light, Christ, David, Psalm 26, Solomon, faith, lying, lie, truth, judge, God
Don't Forget GodHarvester ArticleAndy DanielGod, forget, unthankful, thankful, Deuteronomy 8, ungrateful, talent, remember, prayer, blessings, day, daily, Daniel, commandments, David
Known by the FruitHarvester ArticleEd Andersonknown, fruit, false prophet, sheep, wolves, leaders, religious, Christians, Jesus, good works, words, mouth, heart, Holy Spirit, God, bear
LightHarvester ArticleAndy Daniellight, darkness, creation, world, candle, sun, moon, shine, lighthouse, God
Low ExpectationsHarvester ArticleBen McManuslow, expectations, environment, minimum, routine, habit, pattern, standard, Christians, high, one another, congregations, Deuteronomy 4, Moses, Paul, God, Pharisees, Jesus, Joshua
Receiving God's Word (Part 1)Harvester ArticleKent Dickinsonreceiving, God, word, Bible, Acts 17, 1 Peter 1, knowledge, truth, seed, author, God-breathed, abide
Receiving God's Word (Part 2)Harvester ArticleKent Dickinsonreceiving, God, word, Bible, purification, price, blood, Christ, baptized, baptism, sins, washed, Acts 8, obey, truth, cleanse, salvation
The Full ArmorHarvester ArticleAndy DanielEphesians 6, armor, God, truth, righteousness, gospel, peace, faith, salvation, spirit, sword, word
Godly Mothers in the BibleHarvester Articlegodly, mothers, Bible, Jochebed, Moses, Naomi, Ruth, Hannah, Samuel, Lois, Eunice, Timothy, Mary, Jesus
See Your Brother in NeedHarvester ArticleEd Andersonbrother, need, necessity, charity, give, giving, 1 John 3, love, God, commandment, help, commands, poor, needy, helping
Knowing GodHarvester ArticleEd Andersonknowing, God, knowledge, Lord, Matthew 7, Jesus, relationship, known, sheep, shepherd, commandments, keep, works, love
Take No Thought (Reprint)Harvester ArticleRay McManustake, no, thought, worry, anxious, anxiety, care, soul, Solomon, bird, lilies, flowers, need, necessity, faith, God
Positive Christian Living (Part 1)Harvester ArticleKent Dickinsonpositive, Christian, living, John 10, life, optimism, optimistic, negative, negativity, pessimistic, pessimism, knowing, God, Christ, growing, serving, belief, believing, trust, trusting, good, body, thinking, thoughts,
Positive Christian Living (Part 2)Harvester ArticleKent Dickinsonpositive, Christian, living, Philippians 2, success, thinking, thoughts, self-confidence, power, God, Jesus, Christ, Spirit, mind, worry, anxiety, habit
Do Not Harden Your HeartHarvester ArticleEd AndersonEgypt, children of Israel, Israel, Moses, plagues, harden, heart, Pharaoh, Hebrews 3, Exodus, soft, hard, develop, Joshua, serve, God, Lord, rest
The Called, the Willer, and the Runner (Part 2)Harvester ArticleBen McManuscall, called, calling, will, willer, run, runner, Romans 8, Romans 9, gift, Jews, Gentiles, Jewish, Paul, Isaac, Esau, Jacob, Pharaoh, foreknowledge, God, choices, action, power
Talking to GodHarvester ArticleAndy Danieltalking, God, conversation, prayer, communication, communicating, praying, sing, praise, relationship, Luke 11, Lord, Jesus, Nehemiah, Moses, Daniel, need, want
What Are You Worth?Harvester ArticleBen McManusworth, value, Romans 1, society, freedom, self, belief, God, church, membership, body, physical, spiritual, contentment, modesty
From the Scriptures: The Importance of Knowing ScriptureScripturesimportance, scripture, knowing, knowledge, important, Bible, word, God
Search the Scriptures: About the LordScripturesabout, Lord, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, mercy, merciful, grace, gracious, longsuffering, goodness, truth, forgiving, forgiveness, just, judgement, judgment, justice, righteousness, righteous, lovingkindness, slow to anger, judge
God's (Un)Conditional LoveHarvester ArticleBen McManusGod, unconditional, conditional, love, Jesus, lifestyle, layers, John 3, opportunity, John 14, obedience, condition, obey, Israel, exodus, Egypt, 1 Corinthians 5, approve, disapprove, sin
The Lost Book (Reprint)Harvester ArticleRay McManuslost, book, Bible, 2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 34, Josiah, Hilkiah, Shaphan, law, temple, word, God, Hebrews 4, read, study, meditate, learn, preach, gospel
Seek FirstHarvester ArticleEd Andersonseek, first, priorities, priority, kingdom, God, church, heaven, parables, righteousness, time, energy, needs
Why Does God Permit Evil to Prevail?Harvester ArticleHarry Cobbwhy, God, permit, evil, prevail, choose, choices, harm, wrong, rulers, kings, Esau, Jacob, Abraham, Abram, Isaac, Amorites, Joseph, Israel
Priorities in LifeHarvester ArticleEd Andersonpriorities, priority, life, first, Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Luke 10, choices, riches, treasure, God, bless, blessings
Are You Too Comfortable?Harvester ArticleAndy Danielcomfortable, compromise, easy, ease, uncomfortable, choice, God, world, Moses, 2 Corinthians 4, Saul, Paul, complacency, complacent, lukewarm, Laodicea, Revelation 3, 2 Corinthians 1