Title |
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New Year - Better Focus | Outline | Mark Carpenter | goals, time management, money, attitude, church service, Bible study, prayer, evangelizing |
Spiritual Growth - A Choice | Outline | Mark Carpenter | attitude, spies of Israel, walls of Jerusalem, hard times, Barnabas, encouragement, spiritual growth |
Spiritual Growth - Positive Attitude | Outline | Mark Carpenter | attitude, examples, spies of Israel, walls of Jerusalem, hard times, Barnabas, encouragement, positivity, negativity, spiritual growth |
Apologia: Roman time versus creation time | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | time, Roman,
creation, Gospel of John, John, calendar, hour |
Redeem Your Time | Harvester Article | Ed Anderson | redeem, time, sabbath, rest, prayer, wisdom, prepare, opportunities |
"I Have Things to Do" | Harvester Article | Tim Eldridge | life, time, priorities, priority, Matthew 6, material, temporal, eternity |
Life After Death | Harvester Article | Harry Cobb | rich, Lazarus, parable, Luke 16, life, death, Hebrews 9, judgment, time, earth, hades, hell, paradise, torments, gulf, heavens |
Hard Times | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | hard, times, difficult, easy, life, trials, tribulations, Romans 5, love, God, Christ, Moses, temporary, peace, joy, happiness, future, Christian |
Round Tuits (Part 2) | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | round, tuit, procrastinating, procrastinate, procrastination, priority, priorities, God, Jesus, first, Proverbs 2, redeem, time, daily |
A Time Such As This | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | time, times, Esther 4, pandemic, worhip service, church, God, history, events, Revelation 3, Laodicea, Laodiceans, wealth, Philadelphia |
The Other 98 Percent | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | time, God, study, worship, teach, children, Deuteronomy 6, parents, service, child, home, world |
Tomorrow | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | tomorrow, worry, planning, future, Jesus, Matthew 6, Philippians 4, care, anxiety, peace, time, God |
A Lifetime of Confession | Harvester Article | Ben McManus | lifetime, confession, Matthew 10, Jesus, God, Messiah, belief, public, demonstration, faith, verbal, Romans 12, choices |
A Convenient Season | Harvester Article | Andy Daniel | convenient, season, Felix, Acts 24, Paul, time, convenience, tomorrow, treasure, earth, heaven, parable, rich, possessions, God, Word, Jesus, |
Parable of the Talents | Harvester Article | Ray McManus | parable, talents, money, master, servants, waste, nothing, time, judgment, judgement, end, watching, watch, value |